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Hazing Statement

Hazing is defined as any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any university organization. Hazing includes, BUT IS NOT LIMITED to the following:

  • Brutality of a physical nature such as beating, whipping, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of food, beverages, liquor, drugs, or other substances
  • Forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the individual
  • Activity that would embarrass or affect the dignity of the individual or would subject the individual to exclusion from social contact

Generally, any activity which is done or expected of a perspective member, with or without the perspective member’s consent, but is not done or expected of a current member may also be considered a hazing activity. DSU Panhellenic does not participate in or condone any form of hazing activity.

Alcohol Policy

The DSU sorority system opposes the misuse of alcohol and maintains that all chapters, all individual members, and all guests must abide by state, local, and university laws and regulations. Guidelines for social events involving alcohol are established by DSU and prohibit students from possessing alcoholic beverages on chapter premises. All chapters

work to educate and foster a better understanding of social responsibility and alcohol education for its members.

The sorority recruitment system at DSU is not closed to any female student. We encourage them to participate in the recruitment process. If you need any special services during the recruitment period, the recruitment staff will be happy to assist you. We will also be happy to make arrangements for potential members who are involved in activities, such as band, which require practices during Recruitment Week. Sorority membership is made up of a diverse group of individuals, and we want to offer as many opportunities as possible for you to join. Questions about how the Recruitment staff can help should be directed to the Panhellenic Advisor at 662-846-4138.

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