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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

What questions should I ask sorority members?

Why should I join? Why did you join? How long is the new member program? What campus organizations have you had the opportunity to participate in as a result of your sorority membership? How will sorority life benefit me in the future?

Does it cost a lot to be a sorority member? 
Contrary to popular belief, sororities aren't just for the “Rich Girl.” Though financial commitment is necessary, that commitment comes with many benefits. Furthermore, sorority housing costs less than living in an apartment.

Will being in a sorority affect my grades?
As stated earlier in the book, the all-sorority average consistently exceeds the all female average. Sororities offer programs and incentives to help members achieve scholastic success—BUT—the responsibility lies with each student.


Will I still be able to work while in a sorority?
In today’s world, very few can attend college without outside employment. Chapters recognized this and work with members to meet financial and attendance obligations. Many students find sorority membership an advantage in that
networking with alumnae sometimes produces job possibilities.

Do I need alumnae references?
Some sororities require a recommendation from an alumna member of that sorority, or in some cases, a collegiate member, before they can pledge a woman. Recommendations simply introduce a potential member to the chapter before Recruitment Week starts. “Recs” tell the sorority a little more about your personality, scholarship, and activities. It is the responsibility of the sorority to obtain a recommendation if one is needed. Potential members are not required to secure recommendations in order to receive bids. Alumnae members may contact their national office or mail a letter of recommendation to the chapter in care of the Panhellenic Advisor at Delta State University.

What is a Recruitment Counselor?
Panhellenic trains a special group of women known as RC’s for the purpose of providing a more enjoyable and less stressful atmosphere during the membership recruitment week. All RC’s remain unaffiliated during Recruitment Week. This enables the RC’s to answer questions and guide you without being concerned about the RC’s feelings toward a certain chapter. Your RC will provide information about the week, accompany you to recruitment week functions, and provide a listening ear as you make decisions concerning sorority membership.


Panhellenic chooses RC’s based on enthusiasm for DSU and sorority life objectivity, and dependability. Take advantage of your RC, because she can offer valuable information regarding sorority life, academic classes, and other opportunities waiting for you at DSU. Her job during Membership Recruitment Week is to help you and to make the week easier for you in whatever way she is able. 

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