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Bits of Wisdom

Keep an open mind.

Eat a well balanced meal before attending the membership recruitment parties.

Wear cool clothes and comfortable shoes. BRING AN UMBRELLA AND RAIN BOOTS!

If you have any questions while going through recruitment, talk to your Recruitment Counselor and Panhellenic Advisor. It’s always good to hear more than one opinion.

Get a lot of rest.


Make your own decisions—don’t allow yourself to be influenced by others!

If you hear derogatory remarks about any sorority women in the group, think twice about the person who is saying these things and her motives for saying them. These remarks are probably untrue. 

Just relax. Recruitment is a time to meet new people, make new friends, and especially enjoy yourself. Expect smiling and friendly faces at recruitment functions. 

BE YOURSELF! - Recruitment week will not only be easier, but also more enjoyable.

Be courteous and prompt. Recruitment functions are scheduled to begin and end at certain times. 

Consider the financial responsibilities involved with joining a sorority. Discuss this with your parents BEFORE you make your decision to participate in Recruitment. 

Confide in your Recruitment Counselor. She can be your best friend during Recruitment Week. She is there for you. Feel free to discuss any problems with her or ask her any questions.

If you lose something during Membership Recruitment Week, the lost and found is located at the Police Department or the Office of Student Life.

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